New Google Robots.txt File Disallows Eric Schmidt from CEO Directory

My buddy Mike Smith made a funny joke about a new robots.txt file or robots meta tag for Google in the post-Eric Schmidt CEO era. I went ahead and made it. Funny?

New Google Robots.txt file disallows EricSchmidtBot from CEO directory
New Google Robots.txt file disallows EricSchmidtBot from CEO directory

Now, anyone wanna give me the username and password, so I can upload this file via ftp?

PS. I was going to make a title joke, too. But I’m too busy to do all that. Maybe someone should write a post about this with the headline “Page & Brin Update Eric Schmidt’s Title Tag” 🙂

Update: Anonymous source claims Brin & Page caught Eric Schmidt buying links. (j/k)

3 Replies to “New Google Robots.txt File Disallows Eric Schmidt from CEO Directory”

  1. Your friend, Mike Smith, not funny, but smart. Sucses for you….

    Obyektif Cyber Magazine

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