Ultimate Social Media Tools Session (SMX Advanced 2010)

Up first: Tony Adam, Sr. Online Marketing Manager, SEO, MySpace

Social Media Tools:

  • HelpAReporterOut (HARO)
  • PitchEngine: social media releases
  • SocialMention: social media alerts and mentions
  • ScoutLabs: social media monitoring platform; brand sentiment, buzz, etc…
  • Twitter tools: Twitter widgets
  • FriendOrFollow.com: find out who follows you
  • UnTweeps: find twitter accounts that are stale or not being used and then unfollows them
  • TweetPro: automated following based on search keywords over the course of days, weeks, etc…
  • TwitterProfileOptimizer: gives you tips for your accounts
  • HootSuite: add multiple social networks and invite team members, add your RSS to post to your social networks
  • Seesmic Desktop: the best one
  • Klout: reach scores for your tweets and account, find influencers and connect with them
  • Tools for facebook: badges (like, profile, page, photo, etc…)
  • FBML for Facebook: custom landing pages on your facebook page
  • Wildfire: for promotions, coupons, contests, sweepstakes, giveaways – and you can get information on the leads generated with campaign monitoring
  • MySpace: friendadder.com
  • KnowEm.com: 350+ social networks
  • Customer User Insight Tools: RapLeaf for demographic data and social memberships
  • Flowtown: import business contacts
  • Social Media Analytics: BackType, SWIX (beta)
  • Monitizing social media: ad.ly (add twitter and myspace)
  • When all else fails…build your own tools.
  • other tools: OmniGraffle, Balsamiq
  • Outsourcing for tools: odesk, elance, craigslist

Up Next: Brent Csutoras, SVP of Viral Marketing, 10e20

  • Forums
    – Big-Boards.com: databases all forums, really cool sort features, directory, forum stats (posts, users, members); it’s where you start to find the places where you wanna participate
    – Omgili ( oh my god i love it): it’s a search engine for forums, over 100k forums and boards in their system, lots of useful sorting features, show questions, advanced search; it will let you see how many people are conversing on a particular topic, so you can find active/current users; Show questions allows you to sort for questions; Advanced Search features a negative match
    – BoardTracker: claims to have over2 million active discussions you can search; the coolest thing is tool for alerts. You can set up alerts! Amazing. It costs money, but it’s worth it.
    – BoardReader: no alerts, nothing new, it allows search by language (great for international marketing)
  • Digg: these tools are a must if you want to be a poweruser on Digg
    – Digg Alerter v1.3: provides information about your submissions, alerts you when your submission hits page 1
    – Friendstatistics: it provides statistics about followers and deadbeats, gives you a look at people who are interested in your content, contact them, form friendships/partnerships, lets you find people who are involved in the process of promoting content; Deadbeats are friends of yours who don’t vote for anything you submit or anything at all
    – Di66.net: statistics in general, word stats based on time frames; top sources; popular topics. This tool helps you be valuable to other diggers. You can see words, sites and topics that get promoted most on Digg.

Up Next: Rachel Pasqua, Director of Mobile Marketing, iCrossing

  • Mobile devices and social media will change everything, turn our worlds upside down
  • It’s not about the tools, it’s about connecting.
  • Our use of the web is increasingly social and increasingly mobile.
  • Mobile internet devices are becoming a primary means of connecting to the web and eachother (estimated be 150 million people in USA by 2015)
  • Over 50% of US companies ban access to majority of mobile sites – forcing users to go to their mobile devices to access the web for social purposes
  • Mobile websites matter. Make a mobile site. Make it easy to use, simple and refined.
  • Findability is essential. You can’t assume that people in social networks will know about your domain. Make sure those users will get to your mobile content. User-agent detection and redirection – best ways to make this happen. You can also do backend device detection. You can also do some frontend scripting.
  • Make use of mobile tools offered by social networks. SMS tools on Facebook. Enable people to like your FB page via SMS. Update your page via SMS.
  • Twitter also has a full range of tools. Twitter shortcodes. Look them up. Follow. Unfollow. On/Off, etc…
  • Take advantage of APIs that social networks offer. FacebookConnect. 4Sqaure API.
  • Enable social sharing for mobile. People with mobile are in an action-oriented frame of mind. Enable people to text, email, tweet, digg from their devices. Sharing functionality.
  • Stake your claim in local social spaces. Foursquare, Yelp, Loopt are the top sites out there for this.
  • Use mobile applications to manage your social efforts. Monitoring tools, Twitter and facebook tools, blogging tools, etc…
  • BTW, WordPress tool for ipad is awesome


  • MySpace guy: The ROI is not there for Facebook pages. Twitter can drive a lot of revenue. They have never seen much of any ROI from Facebook pages. (That seems like a very bold claim. I think Shoemoney would prove him wrong.)
  • It’s tough to separate Twitter and Mobile because they are intrinsically connected.
  • How to fight spam on Digg? Click the button that says “Report as Spam”
  • Social media is very similar in the real world as it is online. You wouldn’t walk into a room and hand your business card to everyone in the room. Don’t do that online.

2 Replies to “Ultimate Social Media Tools Session (SMX Advanced 2010)”

  1. Small correction – boardtracker doesn’t have 2 million discussions it has over 2 Billion discussion posts in 125 million discussions so far.. 🙂

  2. My bad. I was typing too fast. I’ll have to get that corrected. Thanks for the note.

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